Art and Faith: Christ Pantocrator of St. Catherine's Monastery at Sinai
"Note then the kindness and the severity of God . . ." -Romans 11:22 The first thing you probably notice as you look at this 1500 year old painting of Jesus, is the odd, asymmetrical quality of his face. The difference is especially evident when you look at the eyes--it is almost as though two drastically different people are staring at us from different sides of the same face! You might be tempted to think that this is the shoddy work of an unskilled artist, but the asymmetrical quality of this piece is actually very intentional and the product of incredible skill. The anonymous artist was attempting to communicate to us two distinct qualities of Jesus' singular nature--He is both God and human . He is both Savior of the world and Judge of the world. Jesus embodies both the kindness and severity of God--qualities that Paul encourages us to consider side by side in Romans 11:22. Cover up the right half of the painting and you ...